OpenXLA Roadmap. Spring 2023 OpenXLA Dev Summit. Sunnyvale. USA.
Accelerate ML Performance and Simplify Development with OpenXLA. NVIDIA GTC 2023. Online.
OpenXLA, a community-driven and modular open-source compiler. HIPEAC 2023. Toulouse. France.
TF Kernel Generator. MLIR Open Design Meeting. Online.
Asynchronous Execution. MLIR Open Design Meeting. Online.
MLIR on GPUs. MLIR Open Design Meeting. Online.
GPUs in MLIR. MLIR Open Design Meetings. Online.
From C++ to WebAssembly. WebAssembly Meetup. Munich, Germany.
Effective ProGuard keep rules for smaller applications. Google I/O. Mountain View, CA, USA.
When Size Matters. Department of Computer Science, Aarhus University, Denmark.
When Size Matters. Google Compiler and Programming Language Summit, Munich, Germany.
River Trail: A path to parallelism in JavaScript. OOPSLA 2013 (part of SPLASH, Indianapolis, IN, USA.
Concurrency and Parallel Computing in JavaScript. HTML5DevConf 2013, San Francisco, CA, USA.
Concurrency and Parallel Computing in JavaScript. TheStrangeLoop 2013, St. Louis, MO, USA.
An Introduction to Parallel Programming in JavaScript with River Trail. HTML5 Developers Conference 2012, San Francisco, CA, USA.
River Trail - Parallel Programming in JavaScript. The StrangeLoop 2012. St. Louis, MO, USA.
Hands-on Lab - Bringing Parallelism to the Web. Intel Developer Forum. San Francisco, CA, USA.
River Trail - Data-Parallel Programming for the Web. Computer Science Seminars. Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, Scotland.
Intel RiverTail AKA Parallel Extensions for JavaScript. JSConf 2012, Scottsdale, Arizona, USA.
River Trail: Parallel Extensions for JavaScript. Supercomputing 2011, Birds of a feather session: Scripting languages and DSLs in HPC, Seattle, WA, USA.
Faster Web Applications with Parallel Extensions for JavaScript. Intel Developer Forum 2011, San Francisco, CA, USA.
Concurrent Non-Deferred Reference Counting on the Microgrid: First Experiences. 22nd Symposium on Implementation and Application of Functional Languages. Alphen aan den Rijn, The Netherlands.
Asynchronous Distributed Reference Counting. 2010 MM-NET Workshop on Memory Management and Managed Runtimes. Microsoft Research Cambridge, Cambridge, UK.
Foreign Runtime System Integration using Aspects. SAC DevCon 7, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Workpackage 4: SAC data-parallel compiler. 2nd Apple-CORE review meeting, Institute of Information Theory and Automation, Prague, Czech Republic.
Truly Nested Data-Parallelism. Compiling SAC to the Microgrid Architecture. 21st Symposium on Implementation and Application of Functional Languages. Seton Hall University, South Orange, NJ, USA. 2009.
Compiling SAC to µTC. Intermediary Apple-CORE review meeting. The Node Conference Center, Hitchin, UK.
Compiling SAC to µTC – The True Story. 1st Apple-CORE review meeting. University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL.
From Contracts Towards Dependent Types: Proofs By Partial Evaluation. Programming Systems Lab Seminar. Intel Corporation, Santa Clara, USA. 2008.
The Type is the Value - Or a Part of It. 6th Fun in the Afternoon Seminar. University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield, UK. 2008.
From Solo to Symphony: A Unified Paradigm to Program Single-, Multi-, and Many-Core Architectures in an Increasingly Ubiquitous Computing-Environment. STRI Showcase, University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield, UK. 2008.
Generic Programming on the Nesting Structure of Arrays. ACM SIGAPL Conference on APL, Montréal, Canada. 2007.
From Contracts Towards Dependent Types: Proofs by Partial Evaluation. 19th International Workshop on Implementation and Application of Functional Languages. Freiburg, Germany. 2007.
Record Types – Typed Records. Sixth SaC Developers’ Conference.
SAC4C: On Binding C and SaC. Sixth SaC Developers’ Conference.
A generic view on our XSLT framework. Fifth SaC Developers’ Conference.
User defined types going generic. Fifth SaC Developers’ Conference.
Generic Programming on the Structure of Homogeneously Nested Arrays. 7th Symposium on Trends in Functional Programming. Nottingham, UK. 2005.
A syntax tree specification based on XML and XSLT. Fourth SaC Developers’ Conference.
Towards Fully Controlled Overloading Across Module Boundaries. 16th International Workshop on Implementation and Application of Functional Languages. Lübeck, Germany. 2004.